Artists have a gift for creating beauty as well as inspiration, and that is why I'm head over heels, in love, with Papaya Art.
I first saw one of their pieces in Patina, a local gift shop, and was fascinated. I believe it was either a magnet, or a journal that caught my eye, either way, the eclectic design, beautiful colors, and inspiring words had me at hello.
I began collecting a few of their pieces and would like to share them with you, hoping that you can enjoy their beauty as much as I do.
My bedroom, notice the two Canvas prints on either side of the bed. The room used to be a dark burnt orange color and I wanted to liven it up a bit, so I choose the paint color "In your eyes" by Benjamin Moore. (I don't know if it was the actual color, or the name that was the deciding factor. The whole time I was painting the room I was waiting for John Cusack to appear in front of my house holding a boom box over his head. I love me some Peter Gabriel.)
Here they are up close.
Here's a photo I pulled out of my 2009 organizer (photo to follow). The fun thing about this is you can change these pictures out and always have something new and fun to look at.
Ah...My 2009 organizer (and pretty notepad)
Each page is separated with a fun and eye-catching piece of artwork...
...many of them with cute phrases like this...
I can't forget my magnets on my new magnetic chalkboard
And now my favorite piece. I think it's the simple phrase, encouraging me to continue pursuing my dream, to "follow your bliss" that sends this piece to the top of my list.